* The family rebels against God. He decides to give the zodiac one year of freedom
* Anora the rat moves in with Arashi the tiger and is happy to be outside the main estate
* Shino the dog feels the curse will never break therefore doesn't particularly care that they get a free year. He goes to see God and tease him then goes to see Naoki
* Kaoru the ox feels bad for God and doesn't want to leave. He goes to visit Kanayuki (God) but is shooed away by Shino
* Kaname finishes lugging boxes into his new house then decides to check out the neighborhood
* Aibori the cat wishes to go outside on her own and goes to beg Kanayuki thinking he'll understand, but is surprised when he lashes out and hits her. She runs away
* Kaname finds an old well and discovers a strange cat with pink streaks in it's fur. He takes it home
* Aaralyn takes her little brother to the park so she can draw and ponder what to do about their living situation
* Aibori realizes she changed into her cat form and was taken in by someone when she turns back into her human form and a startled Kaname see's her
* Tatsuya the dragon runs into Kaoru the ox in the hall
* Tatsuya the dragon and Kaoru the ox decide to go outside together and play when they run into Shino the dog on his way to the park to paint after his visit with Naoki the rooster was cut short by Madoka the snake who is shy and who Naoki is staying with. He decides to take them with him so he can keep and eye on them
* Kaoru sees a bully picking on Aaralyn's little brother Kai and rushes in to save him.
* Aaralyn thinks Kaoru and Tatsuya were the ones bullying Kai
* Arashi and Anora finish organizing their new house
* Tatsuya calls over Shino to explain the situation to Aaralyn
* Kaname discovers how Aibori turns into a cat when he gets too close to her
* Aibori tells Kaname the whole story about why she turns into a cat
* Aaralyn apologizes for yelling at Kaoru and Tatsuya
* Anora the rat likes being around Arashi and feels relaxed around him
* Shino and Aaralyn find they share art in common and Shino starts to like Aaralyn
* Aaralyn falls and Shino goes to help her up when she bumps into him causing him to become a dog
* Kaoru and Tatsuya see Shino turn into a dog and start to panic
* Aaralyn is in shock and doesn't know what to think of Shino turning into a dog
* Shino and Tatsuya explain about the Sohma family to Aaralyn as Kai stares in amazement and wonder and wants to know what Tatsuya and Kaoru turn into. Shino thinks Aaralyn will freak out and have to have her memories of them erased and silently punishes himself for even thinking he could have a normal friend
* Shino changes back to normal and Aaralyn actually takes the whole zodiac curse thing well.
* Shino cries cause someone accepted them and didn't treat them like freaks. Aaralyn tells the kids to go play so she and Shino can talk. Kaoru and Tatsuya tell Kai what they change into and Kaoru is happy cause Kai didn't call his zodiac sign stupid. Shino and Aaralyn share a moment of mutual feelings about taking care of the younger ones they love and not caring what happens to them as long as the kids are happy
* Aaralyn tells Shino about her and Kai's past
* Aibori leaves Kaname to go home but is happy she made a friend. Then she realizes she is still upset with Kanayuki so she goes to the park and falls asleep in a tree
* Kanayuki wants to hold a zodiac meeting but is angered when he realizes that a lot of the zodiac have already left. He calls them all and tells them to come back.
* Shino gets a call from his mom telling him about the meeting. He asks Aaralyn if she wants to bring Kai and live at the Sohma estate. She says yes.
* Arashi and Anora get the call from God to come back for the meeting ruining their happy moods
* Kiri the sheep goes to God's chamber where the meeting will be held. She is scared as he tugs on her hair and asks her questions until someone else walks in (Aibori, Kaoru, and Tatsuya)
* Naoki and Madoka get to Madoka's apartment but then have to go back after getting the call from God
* While leaving the park Shino sees Aibori and goes to pick on her a little and tell her that God has called a meeting. Then introduces her to Aaralyn and Kai. Then Shino ignores a call from Kanayuki in order to make him angry.
* Yari the boar goes out on her first day of freedom and leaves flowers on her mothers porch. She hopes the curse breaks some day so she can be with her mother and make her happy. Then gets the call to come back for the meeting
* Aibori wonders why Shino likes to make God mad. So he tells her it's cause he'd rather God be mad at him than at any of the younger zodiac. They split up as Shino takes Aaralyn and Kai to his mothers where he convinces her to let them stay.
* Shino provokes God causing him to smack him.
* Aibori stands up to God for Shino making Kanayuki angry so he smacks her until she becomes a cat and blacks out.
* Naoki and Madoka arrive at the meeting room
~WHEW we sure did a lot huh ^^ anyway once again now is the time to post if you haven't or to have your ocs arrive to the meeting!!!!