This is my first challenge, so please bear with me! I want you to make a romantic card using any of the Akatsuki members from Naruto.
-must be your own work
-give credit where it is due
-you can use one or two Akatsuki members
-yaoi is alowed, but keep it pg-13(because I want you to follow the Otaku rules, not because I don't like hardcore)
-if it's one person, make it seem like they're saying what's on the card(so don't change the characters personality too much! ex: a Sasori e-card saying art, love, and you have one thing in common:eternal beauty.)
-don't use my example!
-words must be visible!
-if you get first place, pm me with your faveorite Naruto character and a theme, and with that I will make an e-card dedicataed to you! you will also receive a sign in your guestbook and a gift.
-if you get second place, you will recieve a sign in your guestbook and a gift.
-if you get third place, you'll get a gift.
You have one month, Good luck!!