I've been meaning to make a new challenge, and with this whole ‘Challenge Slam’ going on [ and because of my own personal obsession ], I've finally decided to make one.
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The Challenge is simple enough. You’ll be making a card of your obsession - Your hero/idol/god. Now, I’m not just limiting you to real life people or celebrities or anything. You CAN use anime/manga/video game characters, as long as this person embodies the qualities you think are fitting of someone you look up to, it’s all fine by me. You can use whoever you want to use as long as you can back up why they are your hero or why you are obsessed with them through your description of the card. And they should be good, heartfelt reasons, not just because the character looks cool or the actor/actress is gorgeous [ though that can be a supporting factor and I’d like to hear all about it c; ].
To help you out, think of these questions when choosing your obsession :
What do you like about them? What have they done that make them stand out in your eyes [ talents, good deeds, etc. ]? Do you turn to this person when you’re having a rough day [ meaning, if they’re a celebrity, does staring at their face make you smile ]? Did you ever/Do you want to be like them? Etc,.
You get it? (: If you’re obsessed with them, you’ll know what to do.
- I’m not the greatest e-card maker, so maybe I don’t have the right to say this, but don’t submit an image with some text and call it a day. Put some work into your card; textures, nice font, color coordination. . . THE WORKS. You've only got one chance. One submission.
- Proper grammar is nice.
- Please supply a quote fitting of the person/character or a quote that relates to how you feel about them on your card.
- In the description, please include the reasons why this person is your obsession. I’ll be judging based on that as well. The point of this challenge is to present the person you admire, after all! Make me see how much they mean to you.
- Have fun, invite people to join. Or don’t. You know, up to you. c;