Hello! This is my first time making a Challenge here in TheOtaku, seeing as I'm a recently promoted Otaku++, so here goes nothing. :D
I am challenging you, the many members of TheOtaku, to create a Card of any form, which has the theme of Naruto and Bleach, the self-proclaimed best anime in the world. Here are the rules to make things clearer:
*Cards must have a picture from either or both anime. If either, the words must refer to the other. If both, Photoshop is highly recommended to blend the two images. You can't refer to one without referring to the other, otherwise it's not a winner.
*Crack pairings for love cards are totally acceptabe, although not mandatory, Ichigo and Sakura aren't very fond of ^^
*I like funny cards. Funny cards gain additional brownie points from me ^^ However, try not to make the joke too cliche. I like original jokes.
*Quality is everything. Don't submit pixely images. If you can't find any decent images, then Narutokun.com and Bleach7.com offer good screenshots.
*If you have any questions regarding this contest, don't be afraid to comment ^^
*Have fun ^^ Bleach and Naruto are like day and night. It will be a fun time seeing both in one card. Don't you agree?
Well, good luck :D And may the cheesiest, funniest, loviest or wirdest Bleach/Naruto card win! ^^