Angel Zakuro a novel idea.

Hello again. :) Thank you to everyone that entered my last challenge! <3 All the entries were great. I love making challenges. XD I'm sorry I'm bad with making any extra prizes...but yeah. Haha. ^^; Thanks again!

Ok! So the new challenge. Anyone want to take a guess from the title? *waits* No? Alright. A novel idea. Novels. Books. I love them. Nothing makes me happier than buying new books to read. There's something just so...yummy about them! XD Crisp, clean, shiny covers. Pristine pages. And of course, the content (I'm a fantasy girl)! Alright, I'll stop rambling about my love affair for

For this challenge, I'd like you to make a card...that deals with books. And here are your options in doing so (don't have to do all of them in one card!):

1. the image can have a character reading books, or in a library, etc. so the image deals with books.
2. the QUOTE you use is from a book [if so, make sure to tell me in the description the quote and what book it's from, author etc.]
3. the quote deals with "books are my best friends" or something.

And if you can think of any other way to incorporate the theme, go right ahead. But those are 3 ways that a card can be a-okay for this challenge. :) I hope I didn't confuse you guys. O__O If so, just ask me whatever in the comment box!!

The limit is 3 entries per person. That way, if you want to explore each option, you can. Good luck! And just have fun! Oh, and there's no restriction on what TYPE of card this is. If you hate books, shout it to the world! If you want the card to be depressing, uplifting, silly, go right ahead. It can be anything~ You have 2 months! Ganbatte. :]

3 members Favoritefavorite
sakurahater2 Haru 93
Other Anime and Manga
16 entries
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Challenge completed
The Perfect Ending ~Ritona
Prince Charming ~ClairInWonderland
Books. ~ShiningHime
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