ooooh i see it now
omg im so stupid!!
and about teh yaoi
is just that someone pointed
out that it looked yaoi-ish
so i just had to say that...
i've had teh pic in my computer
and i never saw it that way...
till now.. i just thught it looked
so darn adorable!!! n-n
and yes dat did happen
i saw it on teh news.. u-u
thanks for pointing my mistake out
i'll try to fix it!!
that happened!? ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! wow, that is the stupidest reason to kill someone. that is just retarded. I hope that person suffers for their sins now.
other than that, very lovely card. [i didn't even notice it was yaoi related till I read the description. XD] The words are very nice and touching. [I think there might be one or 2 typos. =/] Great job on the card!!! Very touching!!!
Nee, I totally agree wit you Kukki-onee-chan! when you showed me that video i got really angry with that guy! People should learn to accept others feelings and the way they think, even if they don't think or feel teh same way! >.< Hope that guy goes to jail for a very loooooooooong time!
I heard about that incident too. I was so angry. I can't believe people can't accept others just because of the way they live their lives. It's completely disgusting and low.
Really cute card though. I love the words. It's so sweet ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/19/08 | Reply
@lili miss anime:
i knows =[
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/19/08 | Reply
awww like a catepillar♥
n_____n heehee♫
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/19/08 | Reply
this makes me feel better. and all fuzzy inside. eww. like a caterpillar... wait,
lili miss anime
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/12/08 | Reply
omg my god i hate that T-T i mean love is love
well it"s really good this shall be in my fave favs
if its ok
sparkle 078
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
it's suppose the be "The way we feel" not the "They way we feel"
It's no big deal. I still like the card. ^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
ooooh i see it now
omg im so stupid!!
and about teh yaoi
is just that someone pointed
out that it looked yaoi-ish
so i just had to say that...
i've had teh pic in my computer
and i never saw it that way...
till now.. i just thught it looked
so darn adorable!!! n-n
and yes dat did happen
i saw it on teh news.. u-u
thanks for pointing my mistake out
i'll try to fix it!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
@sparkle 078:
typos?! were?!
sparkle 078
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
that happened!? ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! wow, that is the stupidest reason to kill someone. that is just retarded. I hope that person suffers for their sins now.
other than that, very lovely card. [i didn't even notice it was yaoi related till I read the description. XD] The words are very nice and touching. [I think there might be one or 2 typos. =/] Great job on the card!!! Very touching!!!
Otakuite | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
Nee, I totally agree wit you Kukki-onee-chan! when you showed me that video i got really angry with that guy! People should learn to accept others feelings and the way they think, even if they don't think or feel teh same way! >.< Hope that guy goes to jail for a very loooooooooong time!
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
i know!!! :(
Ochibi~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
I heard about that incident too. I was so angry. I can't believe people can't accept others just because of the way they live their lives. It's completely disgusting and low.
Really cute card though. I love the words. It's so sweet ^_^
~Chibi ♥
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
The card is really cute, tho. I'v been listening to that song for a while now. I just can't stop. it's too pretty. it goes really well with the pic
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply