:D thanks for the background info! But the sad thing is the way that my generation has overly modernized it, and has totally washed away the real definition of it. I'm glad that you like the card ^^.
I'm in complete agreement with you. I hate seeing couples everywhere I turn it sucks! plus my ex-boyfriend from 7'nth grade broke up with me on valentine's day...
Actually, Valentine's day is believed to originate from the pagan traditions of the ancient Romans. Somewhere in the third century A.D. the church made an attempt to "Christainize" the holiday by incorperating it into their own traditions. But whether you're looking at it from the pagan or Christain standpoint the middle of February was and is still labeled a romantic season, thus granting the holiday the "couple-friendly" status. What truly makes this holiday considerably different today (in my opinion anyway) as compaired to the past is the fact that the mindset of those living in this era is founded on the principles of reason above all else, unlike our ancestors who basically explained things via faith. (Not to mention our lives are dominated by the strength economics rather than the strength the community's unity like their's was.)
Other than that, I can definitely relate to the feelings you express in this card! >_<
Kira, you're a Valentines Day Baby?!!!! That's so cool! You go, Sakura! I don't really like the holiday either. They should change it to something cooler like.........Give Heartkruez Cookies Day. Yes, now that's a holiday...
Anyways, awesome job!!! I lovers it. *hugs, faves, hyperglomps card*
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/11/09 | Reply
Thanks! Happy Valentine's Day though! I hope you thoroughly enjoy it :).
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/11/09 | Reply
:D thanks for the background info! But the sad thing is the way that my generation has overly modernized it, and has totally washed away the real definition of it. I'm glad that you like the card ^^.
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/11/09 | Reply
Omg, I'm so sorry! Forget him, what a jerk!
But I do wish that you enjoy some chocolate :D.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/11/09 | Reply
I'm in complete agreement with you. I hate seeing couples everywhere I turn it sucks! plus my ex-boyfriend from 7'nth grade broke up with me on valentine's day...
Otakuite | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
so funny!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/29/09 | Reply
Cute card! Faved it!...Although, I like Valentines Day myself(could just be 'cause I have a BF)...........
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/28/09 | Reply
lolz so true! XD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/28/09 | Reply
Actually, Valentine's day is believed to originate from the pagan traditions of the ancient Romans. Somewhere in the third century A.D. the church made an attempt to "Christainize" the holiday by incorperating it into their own traditions. But whether you're looking at it from the pagan or Christain standpoint the middle of February was and is still labeled a romantic season, thus granting the holiday the "couple-friendly" status. What truly makes this holiday considerably different today (in my opinion anyway) as compaired to the past is the fact that the mindset of those living in this era is founded on the principles of reason above all else, unlike our ancestors who basically explained things via faith. (Not to mention our lives are dominated by the strength economics rather than the strength the community's unity like their's was.)
Other than that, I can definitely relate to the feelings you express in this card! >_<
(If you're not satisfied with the summery I provided or are interested in finding out more, here's where I got this information in the first place: http://www.history.com/content/valentine/history-of-valentine-s-day
Last edited by Shadweh at 10:46:02 PM EST on January 28, 2009.
Silver Mech
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/28/09 | Reply
I'm with you. Especially since I'm asexual.
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/28/09 | Reply
i feel the same way. but whenever i get a BF i prob. wont feel that way any more.
but i feel that way now
but nice job!
Last edited by twilight tiger at 8:26:38 PM EST on January 28, 2009.
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/28/09 | Reply
i hate valentines(sp) day ><
lolz i suck i cant even spell it ^^
UndercoverNinja (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/28/09 | Reply
Kira, you're a Valentines Day Baby?!!!! That's so cool! You go, Sakura! I don't really like the holiday either. They should change it to something cooler like.........Give Heartkruez Cookies Day. Yes, now that's a holiday...

Anyways, awesome job!!! I lovers it. *hugs, faves, hyperglomps card*
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/28/09 | Reply
I feel the same way. lol
Ghostly girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/28/09 | Reply
i onyl like that day cuz its my birthday but i feel lonely becase im all by myself on that day
kin tsuchi901
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/28/09 | Reply
valentines day sucks... the only enjoyment out of it is the candy... yum XD
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
LOL. Over here too, my friend...over here too.
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
Yeah I'm tired of it too. Gr, especially since it's junior year, all my friends take the stupid holiday seriously...*rolls eyes*
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
LOL! I like the way you think! Your money goes elsewhere :D
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
valintines day is the worst holiday ever!
i dont even get wat the point of it is. and seeing people be all lovey dovey about it makes me sick!
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
very funny, however at my school people don't wait around for valentine's day to make out in the hallway
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
LOL Funny work!!!
Demonic Akatsuki
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
I hate Valentine's Day too. But I don't let it bother me as much because I don't want to be in another relationship. *kills Valentine's plushy*
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
Uff... I hate valentines day, makes meh feel lonely. Nice card though dude ^^
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
HAHA! Trueness to the max!
Spectre Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
U know, instead of thinking of it like that, you could just call it Singles Awareness Day.... its what i do...