People who saw Gintama will... =o.o= Okay well, what about Kenshin in Samurai X: Reflections? That was pretty sad (to this day, I can't watch it without getting all choked up... =TT_TT=).
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/24/09 | Reply
I know an episode of Gintama in the Shinsengumi Rebellion Arc where this one guy that you thought was bad but was really just lonely died. I cried, it was upsetting, but also touching. =TTwTT=
this is really nice, When Hughes died in fma, Zabuza and Haku from Naruto, Toboe from wolf's rain, L from Death Note, Shceris from scryed, Lust from fma, Naomi Misera from Death Note, there's more I just can't of them right now, are you doing video games too because there's Aerith from ff7 and Kadaj from Advent Children, Zack from Crisis Core
this is pretty! read ur thingy and i cried when nina frm fma died, like seriously tho. it was soooo sad! and shirley from code geass. so yeah. just trying to help cya around and hav a great day!
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/31/09 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
lol np. and thanx. lemme kno how that goes
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/25/09 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
Alright! ^ ^
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/09 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
People who saw Gintama will... =o.o= Okay well, what about Kenshin in Samurai X: Reflections? That was pretty sad (to this day, I can't watch it without getting all choked up... =TT_TT=).
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/25/09 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
I don't know if that'll work...will people recognize the death?
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/24/09 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
You don't know Gintama, or you don't know the death?
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/24/09 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
I don't know.....
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/24/09 | Reply
I know an episode of Gintama in the Shinsengumi Rebellion Arc where this one guy that you thought was bad but was really just lonely died. I cried, it was upsetting, but also touching. =TTwTT=
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/23/09 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
That's true
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/23/09 | Reply
I'd do video games, but if I put it in with the anime there'd be a big difference. Good ones. Thank you! ^ ^
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/23/09 | Reply
Oh thank you! Perfect reaction I needed! I don't really like Shirley, but I'll put her on there for you.
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/22/09 | Reply
this is really nice, When Hughes died in fma, Zabuza and Haku from Naruto, Toboe from wolf's rain, L from Death Note, Shceris from scryed, Lust from fma, Naomi Misera from Death Note, there's more I just can't of them right now, are you doing video games too because there's Aerith from ff7 and Kadaj from Advent Children, Zack from Crisis Core
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/22/09 | Reply
this is pretty! read ur thingy and i cried when nina frm fma died, like seriously tho. it was soooo sad! and shirley from code geass. so yeah. just trying to help cya around and hav a great day!