YES I HAVE!! Grimmmmmm!!!! LOL, I really like Eilfort...even though I know he'll probably die!! I'm so excited now that it's the Arrancar saga!! Ulquiorra....I adore him and Grimmjow. LOL
WOOT! Schools out in a week! The torture will come to an END! XDDD
That's goods to i am good too and school is the same as alwaysxD.Thankfully my summer vacation will start soon (next weak is last school weak then i am freeXD).Hey have you seen the latest bleach dub episodes?!
HAHA, I LOVE all his's hilarious. Junk Man Van. HAHAHA Thank you! :)
And it's np! I haven't been posting a whole lot...been busy as well. :3 I'm doing really good though. Thanx for asking! ^-^ How about you?? School not torturing you too bad now, is it? lol
The Wickedly Evil (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/26/09 | Reply
Lol Van looks so cute yet funnyxD or should i say van the nice guy (hes got so many nick namesXD).I love it.I have that face every morning when i am getting ready for schoolXD.Great job keep it up!
p.s hey! its been so long^^.Sorry that i haven't been commenting and all.How are you?!
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/27/09 | Reply
YES I HAVE!! Grimmmmmm!!!! LOL, I really like Eilfort...even though I know he'll probably die!! I'm so excited now that it's the Arrancar saga!! Ulquiorra....I adore him and Grimmjow. LOL
WOOT! Schools out in a week! The torture will come to an END! XDDD
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/27/09 | Reply
I think he'll do it now....
The Wickedly Evil (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/27/09 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
That's goods to hear
.lol i am good too and school is the same as alwaysxD.Thankfully my summer vacation will start soon (next weak is last school weak then i am freeXD).Hey have you seen the latest bleach dub episodes?!
Compulsive Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/27/09 | Reply
well.... if he doesnt want too.... then... i guess...
he can rethink the situation by going to bed early... and without... dare i say it... s-u-p-p-e-r. o_____________O
*gasp* [insert dramatic music]
XD ive always to say those lines.
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/26/09 | Reply
HAHA, I LOVE all his's hilarious. Junk Man Van. HAHAHA Thank you! :)
And it's np! I haven't been posting a whole lot...been busy as well. :3 I'm doing really good though. Thanx for asking! ^-^ How about you?? School not torturing you too bad now, is it? lol
The Wickedly Evil (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/26/09 | Reply
Lol Van looks so cute yet funnyxD or should i say van the nice guy (hes got so many nick namesXD).I love it.I have that face every morning when i am getting ready for schoolXD.Great job keep it up!
p.s hey! its been so long^^.Sorry that i haven't been commenting and all.How are you?!