Teh smex! <333 When I just SAW the title of your card, I knew it was going to be Totally Captivated. X3 And...it has to do with that strange new song of hers, lol. It really fits. Really does. O__O Amazingly well. Lovely card. Great typography, coloring, just how you arranged everything. It's great~
Moderator | Posted 01/16/10 | Reply
Lady Gaga <3
Awesome card I love the color theme and the sexy bishies.
Nice text placing too, looks like a magazine article.
Dagger IX1
Team | Posted 11/15/09 | Reply
Bad Romance + BL is an excellent combination.
Pickle of the Year (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/15/09 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
Aww, thank you! Yeah, Totally Captivated always gets the ironic/twisted romantic text. :3
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 11/14/09 | Reply
Teh smex! <333 When I just SAW the title of your card, I knew it was going to be Totally Captivated. X3 And...it has to do with that strange new song of hers, lol. It really fits. Really does. O__O Amazingly well. Lovely card. Great typography, coloring, just how you arranged everything. It's great~