so cuuute! i've been wondering about this anime for a while you recommend i watch it? i seen it, and it looked good, but i've been kinda iffy on it for a while now. do you think it's good?
i like the look on his face and the quote too it's like's a girls best friend (tastes uber good) and a girl's worst enemy (makes us gain ALOT of weight cuz we love it so much)
Otakuite | Posted 04/19/12 | Reply
WAA...SOO CUTE!!!!<3
Booty Patrol (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/07/10 | Reply
awwwww. You're so cute playing with your yarn, Ikuto-kun!!!! ^-^
Booty Patrol (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/07/10 | Reply
@twilight tiger:
XD lol. Yeah, I totally recommend Shugo Chara. I've only been reading the manga though, but it is totally awesome! I'm sure you'll love it. ^.~
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/06/10 | Reply
so cuuute! i've been wondering about this anime for a while you recommend i watch it? i seen it, and it looked good, but i've been kinda iffy on it for a while now. do you think it's good?
i like the look on his face and the quote too it's like's a girls best friend (tastes uber good) and a girl's worst enemy (makes us gain ALOT of weight cuz we love it so much)
Booty Patrol (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/05/10 | Reply