You sure they weren't yours? ~ Smiles ~ You know I could have saved you trouble in the dream and given youo the folder I keep them in ~ Grins ~ Least it doesn't sound like a nightmare or ought ~ Monster hugs ~ Domo arigato ^_^
Haha, nice! XD It looks like a good way to do it!!
I had a dream last night about you and your e-cards! That is, I remember having them all saved on my computer, and I needed to make a folder for them...yes, what a world-shattering dream. XD
Neko Kouhai (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/05/08 | Reply
This is so funny! And it reminds me of our bugs with wings. XD Fly my pretties, fly! XD
I like the colours on this card. ^^ It suits the pic, the theme and the words perfectly. X3
I can't believe how many cards you've made that I missed. @.@ Coz there's the font's colour becoming darker here too. ^^ I really like this effect. X3
Love Bug =X3
Seto Grl
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/30/08 | Reply
lmao thats wonderful! i need him to come help me with my buggy problems!
Magnus Lensherr
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/30/08 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
You sure they weren't yours? ~ Smiles ~ You know I could have saved you trouble in the dream and given youo the folder I keep them in ~ Grins ~ Least it doesn't sound like a nightmare or ought ~ Monster hugs ~ Domo arigato ^_^
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 05/30/08 | Reply
Haha, nice! XD It looks like a good way to do it!!
I had a dream last night about you and your e-cards! That is, I remember having them all saved on my computer, and I needed to make a folder for them...yes, what a world-shattering dream. XD