And once again the Ouran crack continues. XD .... oh boy, i need to get a life -__-
This was inspired by a conversation today in driver's ed. -__- nothing good comes out of that class.
anyways, i don't think any of you care so...let's move on. XD
ppl, when ppl write WTF, they mean what the fudge, so not the bad word. nuh huh.
anyways, i dedicate to Stixx, i don't think you read this series but you are too nice to me so i felt like i needed to dedicate something to her. ^^ she always comments and it makes me really happy. [and i'm sure you have a lot of moments like all of us. XD]
I don't think i've such a simple one in a long time. XD since my other WTF card. XD