there's no back to school category? really!? O____O I did not know that.
Anyways, this is this year's "Back to School" card. [Last Year's card for anyone who cares] It's a slight improvement. This card is still missing something....T___T I don't know how to make it any better. Suggestions are highly welcomed!!!
Sparkle-chan wished she could scare school away that easily. I would of kicked it a long time ago. T___T
btw, The guy is Yamamoto Yusuke, a Japanese actor. He's been in Hana Kimi and other dramas.
Original picture
Enjoy!!! ^-^ Will make crack later, I actually have an idea. Just busy right now.
btw, I totally meant "off" not "of". HEHEHEHEHEHE. ^^' [thanks, Furry-Chibi for pointing that out]