Hi everyone! I don't know why, but I am really sleepy right now. XP Well, I hope everyone is doing well! Right now I'm working on a drawing; uggh it isn't turning out very well ^^;.
Well, I suppose I should explain this card. I made it because I keep hearing songs and other things talking about how best friends are always there for you or always jump into their car and drive no matter how far to help you and many other things. It was starting to get to the point that I was feeling guilty as though I wasn't a good friend at all.
Then I realized that I don't really think it's right to put conditions on friendship. I believe that best friends just 'are'. It's nice if they are always perfect, but I don't think any person is.
Well, there are probably lots of people who disagree with me, but that's how I feel. And, sorry if I wasn't able to explain it well.
I hope you like the card and take care!
Have a great day!