Hello there everyone! ^_^ I came on today to make a card for my adorable buddy on here, but I will not be commenting. I will comment this weekend^^
I found this picture of Toboe on photobucket and it was really "ugh" to begin with. I tried sharpening it and such, but it just made it look worse. It was such a cute picture of him that I couldn't not make a card, so I just added some textures and a blur to it. Added the sparks and yeah...we have the card! ^_^
And now...HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOXERS!! WOOT! I LOVE YOU BUNCHES AND BUNCHES!!!! *hugs* Seriously, if you don't know Fox you're missing out on a lot! He is one of the sweetest, most thoughtful, adorable friends you could ever have. His posts are always fun to read and he always has this positive attitude that makes you smile instantly^^ That is why he is a shining light in my life. Thank you for everything Foxers! You're the best! *hugs* ^____^
And I chose Toboe for you because I know he is like one of your favorite anime characters and also he matches your personality perfectly^^
I hope you like the card^^ Thank you for viewing! *hugs* Take care and be sunshiny^^ Have a great day! ♥