Ok then Dyuu, my font of all Death Note knowledge is this Ray Penbar, and if not just who is he?
Since I am (hopefully) away tomorrow I wanted to add this today, I don't like submitting two things at once but think of this as tomorrows offering ~ Laughs ~
I was originally just going to have him saying something which had 'shocked' in the title but after trying it out I decided his expression wasn't really saying that and so made the card into this instead, so it is probably very much directed towards any fangirls of this guy ~ Laughs ~ I am sort of imagining they have told him their wildest fantasy and he has been horrified by it ~ Laughs again ~ I think it came out quite well, I had to soften it because the original was very sharp and a bit in your face, this seems calmer.
So yea, the card was created using Photoshop Elements 7, the stamps were from dA (Axeraider70 I believe) and the screenshot was mine.