Alas this probably makes more sense if you have seen this scene of the drama ~ Laughs ~ From memory I shall try and explain what happens. When Jan Di first meets those three they introduce themselves while doing strange body movements, flailing hands around and all that. Well in Dragonball Z one of the things the Ginyu Force (Frieza saga-ey type section) are famous for doing is pretty much the same thing. They introduce themselves while posing then the camera moves back and does that 'shing' thing to show all the Ginyu Force together? ~ Looks at people who stare at me much the same way Jan Di is staring at the girls ~ Ahh well I tried. The girls stood together (the 3) are also very popular, they are like the leaders of the school, and so the fact they were introducing themselves like the Ginyu Force just made me laugh, hence the card. If I had ever gone to school and seen popular people doing impressions of the Ginyu Force I would have fainted ~ Bursts out laughing ~ Hell them even knowing who the Ginyu Force was would have had me fainting! but enough about them! I hope you liked the card and that this helped explain it a little more ~ Coughs ~
The card was created using Photoshop Elements 7, the stamp was dA and the screenshot was mine!