For the records...I am not making fun of fat people. This is how Yoshimi and I play Harvest moon. is. There is no game that we play right. We turned Grand theft auto into almost shojo! XD In harvest moon, I play as Gifford and do her voice (we talk to the NPC's and make them answer back...They really don't do the things we make them do but we just can't play right...) Yoshimi plays as sally (Sally is our character and is not really in the game...) this started....
Winter 18; Gifford's birthday.
Gifford has a LOT of boy friends. and on her birthday, sally and Gifford went around to all of their boy friend's houses to get a present...The first stop was Carl's cake shop. And this is what he said to us:
"Happy birthday Gifford, I wish I had some cake to give to you, but I don't"
(Or something like that)
Gifford stands there in silence...
Sally: "you own a cake shop..."
Gifford's rage builds
Sally: "and you have no cake..."
Gifford: "CAAARL!!!!!"
Carl: "gulp"
Gifford: "CARL, ITS OVER!!!!"
Gifford and Sally leave the cake shop and never speak to carl again.
Months later, Carl becomes obsessed with Gifford, His cake shop closes, kate leaves (a young girl who worked there), And Carl follows Gifford around, begging for forgiveness.
Gifford: "I'm sorry carl, you had your chance. But as I recall, SOMEONE who runs a cake shop had no cake to give."
Carl: "I...I'm sorry Gifford! I...I have cake now!!!!"
Gifford: "too late now Carl. NEVER deny a fat woman cake."
Later Carl was dragged off to the sanitarium, and was never heard of again...