Magnus Lensherr (eCard Portfolio) Criminal Rule 6

Criminal Rule 6

After a couple of days without submitting something I shall submit. I am up to date with everything so it is like 'why not' I will be away most of today but I don't mind! I would have submitted this yesterday but my mood was shot so I just spent the time PM'ing my Imooto-Chan ~ Hugs her ~ And avoiding anything to do with theO ~ Laughs and pokes brain ~ It is happy again now though, I think it will be swinging for a while ~ Kicks it ~ Ahh well!

So this card ~ Shrugs ~ I like this one, maybe because it has Xaihou Dun in it ~ Laughs ~ He is totally my favourite DW's character and the card is more to the sort of thing I like! His weapon is some strange club thing, he used to have a sword but they changed it ~ Laughs ~ I haven't played the game though so I don't know. I took the screenshot from youtube when I checked the videos to see what they had done to him ~ Tuts at the creators ~ I think the writing is just about readable though on the background it can do strange things to your eyes ~ Winks ~ That is to make sure superheroes don't read this!

Well regardless, all the best everyone!

The card was created on Photoshop Elemets 7, the brush was Dan Hinde on dA (I remember because these are my favourites to use probably lol), and the screenshot was mine!

Fab Friday's to everyone and don't use this as an excuse to kill people to see if you can get away with it ~ Winks ~


PS: Sis you can have this dedicated to you as a thank you for yesterday and just because you have the most awesome way to dispose of bodies ever ~ Shudders at the memory lol ~

Dynasty Warriors eCards
criminal rule, dw6, dynasty warriors 6, xiahou dun, yellow turban
12 votes thumb
8 members Favoritefavorite
MizuKitsune10 killerbenji lazyweird1 Kurai the night cati0vz Emmah
Member Dedication

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