I hope you have a great one my friend^^ I miss you! I haven't talked to you in sooo long! D: Anyway, I hope you have one of the most happiest birthdays ever^^ filled with smiles, cake, presents, family/friends, music, and FUN! XD Me luffs you bunches! *hugs*
Yay for us June Bugs! >:D
I decided to make a birthday card for you since, hey, who doesn't get a birthday card for their birthday?! ^_^ I found this cute render of Miku on Seteki Renders and thought it would work perfectly^^ Then I added three textures to the render, one of them being the background and added a couple of brushes. ^_^ I hope it looks okay^^; And I hope everyone likes it! ^_^
Thank you for viewing! Take care everyone! May sunshine and happiness fill every second of your days^^ Make sure to wish Sakura a Happy Birthday! :D She is awesome and deserves the best wishes from everyone!
- Render of Miku Hatsune found Here
- Textures from Elysium Designs
- Brushes...I have no idea^^;