to all lovers out there, spread the love and love your partners always..don't cheat them. For boys, women are always sensitive so, please tell them that you love them as much as possible, women who always gives 100% of themselves tend to nag about not being treated well and being neglected whatsover, so as much as possible, spend your utmost time with them.. or else they'll nag you out LOL
For women, don't expect every inch you do for them, you want them to show some appreciation... men are more on actions, so wait for them to do whatever they plan to repay your kindness and love, don't always nag, they will surely get bored if you'd always do that...give them freedom, or rather moderation on freedom and strictness... ^^
Don't expect your bf/gf change for you, accept them from who they are.. just like in marriages, you don't marry the gal/guy just to change them right? Love them from who they are, and your relationship will last, take note, don't be boring too!