This came from my favorite chapter of Yume Kira Dream Shoppe.
(Chapter summary)
There is a spirit of a dying cherry blossom tree falls in love with a musician in the hospital. (Don't ask me how that works.) He's well, but he's losing the use of his hands and soon won't be able to play the piano anymore. So, after being turned into a human and cofessing her love, she asks the shop owner to give the rest of her time on earth to the boy so he could play piano. The price was her leaves. The tree returned to her normal form and blossomed one last time. But, since she paid more than just leaves and gave something so much more valuable, the owner turned her back into a human so she could spend her days with the boy she loved. On the count of three two one!
Awwwww...*warm fuzzy feeling*
I just thought it was cute!