Sappy title. Anyway, this is for all you dog lovers out there. I'll admit that I'm not an animal person myself, besides the fact because they worsen my allergies, I'll admit that I like the canine family more than any. Sure, some aren't the smartest, they smell, slobber, too eager to please and will feel sad if you admonish them 'cause they have no backbone, or they constantly chew stuff. But let's face it: even I wish to come home to a warm loving being that will always wait at the door for me, whether they be animal or human. Dogs just have that compassionate feeling they give you. Even if it's something stupid like playing fetch, you just can't seem to not feel amused or happy.
Yeah, I'm totally not an animal person. But humans sometimes... sometimes you just want to be away from them. These are the qualities dogs always have to offer when you get sick and tired of the human race.
To all the dog lovers out there, again. May your friendship with your furry friend last forever [/end with cheesy quote]