Okay, I couldn't come up with ANYTHING better than that, forgive me? It's just so hard to find a phrase that's as cool as Ezio. I mean, crap, he is so flipping cool, BUT not as cool as Altair. Altair is seriously hardcore, awesome, and the ultimate shizz. I wish I was at least half as cool as these guys! ;___; Makes me want to dress in white robes and red sashes, carry so many weapons it's beyond illegal, and assassinate the corrupt politicians. . . . Ahem. Ya didn't read that. . . <___<
Anywhoooooo, this is for the awesome Jamo. I've been meaning to do this since almost last week for fun since we like to freak out over the Assassin Creed series, but I moved it to a top priority after the sweet comment you made on my post. :]
Enjoy you crazy wannabe assassins, BUT for all those who have played and beaten the game, PLEASE please please, I beg of thee, NO SPOILERS! I already accidentally spoiled one huge spoiler to myself, so no more please! If you do, I'll become an assassin. . . yeaaah.
Okay, I'm off to do more chores, study for finals, and make cupcakes. Yaaay.