Hello everyone n.n
Just a random card I made today =D I think there's a serious lack of non-Anime and non-Manga stuff on this site, and there's way to little about the Classical times. I mean, when I search for Icarus, all I find is Kid Icarus or Pit, and Hercules didn't give me the wanted results either, which is a shame (Shame on you *points finger* just kidding :P)
So now, in the style of my challenge, I made this card n.n I know the styling is kind of lame, but it's about the pun (which I hope you get? xD)
So ehm, don't go ranting about me being wrong, because I know Hercules is the Roman name of Heracles, but 'It's Roman Lightning' just wouldn't have been fun xD
Dedicated to Kaagemusha for being nice... don't worry, I won't spam/stalk you ;)
(Feedback is always muchly appreciated n.n)