pics from Reba McEntire, Kelly Clarkson - Because Of YOU
Inspired by Hulaberry32's Beiber card, Never Say Never. This is my 1st real life people ecard. >w<
I love this song and MV. The guy is a jerk & I tried to show that in the card. It's the same guy at the top and bottom part of the card, but different girls. The guy beat up his girl from the bottom part of the card and she has to put up with it for some reason.
Reba McEntire and Kelly Clarkson sing great together. I like the show, Reba, which I'm watching now; up to 4th season. Reba has an accent and I just noticed it. x3 hur hur.. Van from Reba is just funny. x3 I like the show's theme song, though can't relate to it
OH shizz, this is the 1st Reba McEntire and Kelly Clarkson Card on theO.