Why doesn't this anime have a category yet? It's got a ton of submissions >_>
Dedicated to Saku because I know she loves PSwG ^w^ You made a wall with this scan, so I figured you'd like to see it again XD
And, well, I hope you enjoy this type of humor, I had a temporary moment of insanity/creativity and totally imagined Panty from this scan walking in slo-mo towards the "camera" with this song in the background *3* Because Panty is pimpin' in this pose~
Not much done, apart from extracting the scan, adding some shadows and, of course, slapping that tacky leopard print texture on her shirt and bra 8D Here's the texture for the wall, and here are the fonts: Stylin' BRK, Street Soul. Also, have some barely SFW icons made from this card.
Now that I think about it, this'd make a decent wall *rubs chin* Also, my gallery is severely lacking in consistency D:
Well, that's it; comments, favs, hugs and/or rotten oranges are welcome and very appreciated 8D
Edit: I can't stop staring at her shirt =_= It's just so TACKY <3