Happy Birthday, Ritona Raito!
A little belated, mind you. But I've been busy with life + Doctor Who + TTGL- however, I kept my word and watched a bunch of episodes, and I have a few gentle, level-minded words...
Oh my god, KAMINA IS AMAZINGGGG- //sobs
I'm so late with this anime, it isn't funny. ;__; But seriously, Spike aside, Kamina should've won the Anime Characters Contest. Seriously. I'm noticing some foreshadowing with Kamina, something tells me I'm going to be crying like a bitch with this anime. God, I hope that's not true. Though for me, every time I love an anime character, THEY DIE. PLEASE DON'T HAPPEN AGAIN.
Either way, I hope you like this, and that your birthday was made of rainbow sprinkles, because you're too awesome to not have awesomeness on your b-day. <3
I'm also working on something else that's TTGL related; that's a little more difficult and time consuming, but it looks awesome so far.