For my submission to the "Sell it to me" challenge I decided to do Usagi Drop, one of my new favorites. The story centers around Daikichi, a thirty year old businessman whose grandfather dies of old age, apparently his grandfather had an affair with a woman and left behind his lovechild, Rin Kaga, Daikichi decides to make it his responsibility to care for her since his relatives want nothing more than to put her in a foster home and forget about her.
This is a great show with a lot of heart in it and shows the hardships of being a parent and raising a child, while at the same time has a lot of funny, uplifting characteristics that make it worth watching. There may be a few sad parts in it but it's mostly an uplifting story and will most definitely make you smile. Usagi Drop is relatively new there's still too few people that know about this show.
I loved this show and I hope everyone else who watches it does too!
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