Always your Best Friend Forever.
BEST QUOTE EVER ON FRUITS BASKET. It really is. Yuki and Kyo are obviously best buddies, right? ... Right? WHY AREN'T YOU AGREEING?!
Hmmm... Fruits Basket. It truly was a great manga and is like my third favorite manga... despite it being a shoujo and not shounen manga. I was obsessed with it towards the end of 7th grade and I really liked the anime as well. FB was really a gateway manga for me because before FB, I hadn't read much manga or anime at all (since watching Inuyasha). I truly enjoyed it because of its funny moments and drama and loveydoveylovey-ness. *sighs* That was back then when I used to worship Kamichama Karin. I honestly can't deal with shoujo manga anymore, or basically any manga/anime that has a female lead (with only a few exceptions). I prefer Katekyo Hitman Reborn now. And I'm proud of it. :U
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Original Image: ♥
Dedicated to kisskiss-bangbang - I'm up for some McDonald's right now. You comin'?