I would appreciate it if I had no rude comments in here about my religion. This is very bold of me to put out due to the fact that I constantly get harassed for. I am of a religion called LaVeyan Satanism. No, this religion does NOT make sacrifices, nor do we believe in a god or satan. Satan is just a symbol we use. It's hard for me to explain 100% so if you're interested, wikipedia does a fantastic job at explaining it. If you're not interested, then don't comment something rude or disrespectful or discrimitive unless you read the article first. It's LAVEYAN SATANISM, not Theistic Satanism, there is a big difference and I'd appreciate it if you didn't confuse the 2. If you have questions, feel free to ask, but don't be rude.
This is a great quote from Anton LaVey (RIP)
It's right here. Here they are
I edited this on picnik