A tornado tears me down, but I will stand again
My life is a hurricane, but I'll weather it to the end
JJ Redick
I am going to marry this man. Even though he's already married.
Since I doubt any of you will actually know who he is, I'll give a little background on his first. He's a pro basketball player at Orlando Magic. He started his career at Duke, where he broke numerous records.
The quote is an excerpt out of his poetry.
I am obsessed with JJ Redick for many reasons. One being his incredible ability to get back up when he gets pushed down. He has suffered from numerous injuries, yet he can get right back up on his feet and push through the pain and get done what needs to be done.
If you would go out and ask people about JJ, you'll get a lot of JJ hate. Why people hate him so much, I will never understand. While at Duke, he was faced with numerous torments and badmouthing before, during, and after the games. Fans would go so far as hating on his family, in particular his little sister. But, he only allows that to fuel him further and to rise to the top. Go Here to Watch the Heartbreaking Special of the hatred he faced.
Once he graduated from Duke and was drafted, he didn't get much playing time. He had a lot of problems his first few years at Orlando and was ridiculed because of it. Now, he plays a lot and is a contributor to the wins.
He does volunteer work and gives back to the community. He plays the game because he loves the game not because of the money.
I guess I'm just a sucker for guys who can rise above the pain.