So you may or may not know that I have started Driver’s ed. It’s frustrating as hell. When she teaches, it sounds far more complicated than it actually is. Plus, it’s still early for me and I am still sleepy during class. Lisa Timm is a brilliant instructor despite how frustrated I get. She has lots of fun in the classroom, and she always has food! Actually it’s not really just a classroom, her house it attached. ^^ but you can’t see it from where we are. But onto the point,
On this card I used the quote “Quit your Bitchen’, You’re getting your drivers’ license!” because the second day of class (today was the 3rd) we watched a painfully cheesy movie about a crash dummy that was teaching us the steps to do before driving. One kid in my class (named Patrick Savich) was complaining about the movies (obvious) faults and lack of interest. It was pretty funny. Lisa Timm was sitting at her desk counting forums when she looked at him and told him “to quit his bitchen’, it’s helping him get his drivers’ license!” we laughed so hard. Teachers that swear (a little) are great. They earn an almost “respect” from students when they swear. It shows us we can relate a bit more. (even though I don’t swear much. I can respect the use of the word “bitchen’ in a classroom-like setting! :D)
This picture. Well, I am sure almost everyone has seen it at least once.
So wish me luck with driver’s ed please! >///<
Have a good day. *even if I’m not*
Love you!!!!
- In PNG because I can
- dedicated
to NadjaWolf to inspire her to take driver's ed and because I can. (I am not driving you all around town forever becca. )