Awesome! I am so joining! I have the perfectess(is this even a word?) idea! Oh! not me, but Ducky. Ducky wants to do this one. I can't I stink at drawing. So, Ducky is in, and I'll make her get the picture done for the contest.
Last edited by Jessi Bear at 9:41:55 PM EDT on September 30, 2009.
Out of curiosity, should you avoid referring to the Seven Deadly Sins as expressed in Fullmetal Alchemist? That is, we shouldn't draw FMA's version of the deadly sins? Just wondering. If you could clear that up, that'd be great!
Old Chicken Nugget (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/15/09 | Reply
Yeah, but what's interesting is when I was doing research for Envy was Jealousy and Envy are actually two complete opposites. Envy is dealing with two people and Jealousy deals with three. XD
so yeah I'll accept envy/jealousy.
I don't know. School and work takes up most of my time and I don't know if I'll be able to submit anything, but I can show you the piece in my portfolio.
lol ok.. XD
I know, people got things to do, which can make them busy.
So don't worry and take your time, you got three months! X3
I'm sure you'll think/draw something! :3
Ah no! I didn't mean you stole it or anything. XD; I'm sorry, i just meant it was cool coincidence and it might motivate me to actually do it.
*U* But i'll try to enter!
I'm sorry .3.
I'm stealing everybody's idea.. D:
I been think about doing this too, but I was to lazy to draw 7 different pictures and thought "why not have others do so"
*shot* x.x
Oh no! there is no stupid questions!
unless they're from me!
but yes, I forgot to say that the sins have different names and wrath/rage would be one!
Thank you for reminding me!
OMG I have the perfect character for this~! <3
Just one thing, can Wrath and Rage be the same thing?
((I know, stupid question >w<))
I can't wait 8D *runs off to draw entry*
Thanks! <3
Senior Otaku | Posted 11/05/09 | Reply
this sounds really cool! I'm going to join!
Old Chicken Nugget (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/04/09 | Reply
yeah it can. :3
and don't worry there is no stupid questions :3
Patchwork Rabbit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/04/09 | Reply
Um I have question bout your sin challengsorry if I sound stupid I'm just making sure X3 Could envy count as jealousy?
Jessi Bear
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/30/09 | Reply
Awesome! I am so joining! I have the perfectess(is this even a word?) idea! Oh! not me, but Ducky. Ducky wants to do this one. I can't I stink at drawing. So, Ducky is in, and I'll make her get the picture done for the contest.
Last edited by Jessi Bear at 9:41:55 PM EDT on September 30, 2009.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/19/09 | Reply
we are in!

me and vdr-07 speaking here!!!! hurray! *dances*
Old Chicken Nugget (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/16/09 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
okay, lol and you better not XD
Old Chicken Nugget (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/16/09 | Reply
No problem :3
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/16/09 | Reply
I might just do this...and I am so drawing rated Rrrrrr lol
Last edited by Iruka Sensei at 1:03:32 AM EDT on September 16, 2009.
Old Chicken Nugget (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/15/09 | Reply
@twilight samurai:
don't draw the deadly sins from FMA. ok? Use your own originality and creativity ya know. :3
twilight samurai
Redeemed (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/15/09 | Reply
Out of curiosity, should you avoid referring to the Seven Deadly Sins as expressed in Fullmetal Alchemist? That is, we shouldn't draw FMA's version of the deadly sins? Just wondering. If you could clear that up, that'd be great!
Old Chicken Nugget (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/15/09 | Reply
Yeah, but what's interesting is when I was doing research for Envy was Jealousy and Envy are actually two complete opposites. Envy is dealing with two people and Jealousy deals with three. XD
so yeah I'll accept envy/jealousy.
Old Chicken Nugget (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/14/09 | Reply
@Kaijin Kinuma:
eh, I would really like it if its submitted into the challenge..
let me think about it. I mean you got three months DX
Kaijin Kinuma
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/14/09 | Reply
I don't know. School and work takes up most of my time and I don't know if I'll be able to submit anything, but I can show you the piece in my portfolio.
Old Chicken Nugget (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/13/09 | Reply
@Kaijin Kinuma:
Um.. sure.
are you redrawing the character? or just submitting the picture in for the challenge?
Kaijin Kinuma
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/13/09 | Reply
I already have a deadly sin character in my portfolio. Can I use that?
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/13/09 | Reply
Wow....count me in! :D
Old Chicken Nugget (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
lol ok.. XD
I know, people got things to do, which can make them busy.
So don't worry and take your time, you got three months! X3
I'm sure you'll think/draw something! :3
SuperBum (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
Ah no! I didn't mean you stole it or anything. XD; I'm sorry, i just meant it was cool coincidence and it might motivate me to actually do it.
*U* But i'll try to enter!
Old Chicken Nugget (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
I'm sorry I stoled your idea..
Old Chicken Nugget (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
No problem :3
Old Chicken Nugget (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
I'm sorry .3.
I'm stealing everybody's idea.. D:
I been think about doing this too, but I was to lazy to draw 7 different pictures and thought "why not have others do so"
*shot* x.x
SuperBum (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
Hehe xD
Okay! Thank you very much! x3
and you're welcome~ C:
shadow princess
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
yay! I already have an idea :D I'm in!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
Awesome idea
! I'm in for sure!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
This sounds fun! I definitely want to do this.
Yours Truly
The Queen of Sweet (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
Now this is something I can get into I'm going to try to enter!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
Oh this sounds like a comic i did. imma use some of that if its alright! this is gonna be fun
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
ZOMG gluttony XD ROFL I have inspiration muahahah.
White Rabbit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
I can try. :3 yay sins. XD
The Turning Tide (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
OMG That was going to be my next challenge! I'm in!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
love the idea. been waiting 4 a challenge like this ;P
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
I SO want to try this, I have in idea in my head already! I just hope I can make the dead line!
wish me luck!
Old Chicken Nugget (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
Oh no! there is no stupid questions!
unless they're from me!
but yes, I forgot to say that the sins have different names and wrath/rage would be one!
Thank you for reminding me!
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
OMG I have the perfect character for this~! <3
Just one thing, can Wrath and Rage be the same thing?
((I know, stupid question >w<))
I can't wait 8D *runs off to draw entry*
Thanks! <3
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
OMG! Thats sounds like A LOT of fun! I'm gonna totally start on it:)