Otaku Legend | Posted 03/06/10 | Reply
Hmm...I might enter this. Maybe. If I can come up with anything. DX
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 03/02/10 | Reply
I might do this...
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/27/10 | Reply
does the person like......have to be normal? can i draw a person that looks kinda like a pokemon and next to them is that pokemon
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/27/10 | Reply
Sounds interesting, I might do it(it'll give me a reason to draw a poison-type Eevee evolution XD)
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/06/10 | Reply
Hmm...I might enter this. Maybe. If I can come up with anything. DX
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 03/02/10 | Reply
I might do this...
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/27/10 | Reply
does the person like......have to be normal?
can i draw a person that looks kinda like a pokemon and next to them is that pokemon
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/27/10 | Reply
Sounds interesting, I might do it(it'll give me a reason to draw a poison-type Eevee evolution XD)