ANOTHER CHALLENGE! Im seriosly getting addicted to making these things but they're so much fun! lol
Ok well i got my magna im writing/working on called After You.
For the challenge i want you to draw the villian and one of the main characters Tomi! He's also Shiro's brother *gasp!*
Your job is to design him! Put him anywhere you want in whatever clothes you want and the winners design for tomi will be in the after you manga
Now for the rules!
1. Fallow Otaku Rules
2. You can draw one or all four characters (Akira,Shiro,Ghosti and Tomi) or a group pic with them all togeather!
3. You can have as many entries as you want
4. The work mus be done by YOU
5. It can be digital or traditional
The Winner will be picked based on....
How Well you fallowed the rules [60%]
Creativity [20%]
Detail [20%]
1st Place: A wallpaper, card, avi and sub from me
2nd Place: A Wallpaper, Avi and Sub
3rd Place: A Card and Sub