This is a crossover I've had in mind for a while. I have no artistic ability what so evewr, so I haven't been able to even attempt it. can anyone draw a male charester with Allen Walker's left forearm and Edward Elric's automail right arm. It at all possilbe could he db shirtless, to get in full details, if not thats fine. I'd also like it if he could have rin'negan/sharigan eyes. Other than that any clothing will be fine, and if you feel the picture is lacking anyhting, any possible pet, accessories, or weaponry you want to add will be appreciated as well. Thanks for hearing me out.
Zeyeir Sephiroth
can anyone make this?
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- Category
- Crossover Anime and Manga
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- 3 entries
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- Challenge completed
- Winner(s)
- Allrick Sephrath ~kennysama
Allander Walkins ~SoundScapeAbyss
Ed/Allen Arm ~hannavicious
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