So... I see you've taken interest in my challenge. = v =
I was inspired to make this challenge after viewing this on youtube actually>> Linkie Link~~~ Seems pretty fun, doesn't it? :)
Well basically, this challenge is all about drawing something, whatever you can, based on anything at all (anime/manga, traditional, digital, still-life, portraits, landscapes, marvel, blah blah blahhhhh) within 5 minutes. Doesn't have to be coloured as this challenge is mostly based on how much you're able to 'draw' within the given amount of time. But if you still have time to pinch in some colours then you're just.. awesome. XD (no pun intended)
Time too short? Well, that's why it's called a challenge ;)
Well I'll give you a range from 5-6 minutes maximum. However, it mustn't exceed the provided time limit.
There will only be one winner. Winner will receive a fanart, a pretty shiny medal and a gift. :3
-How I'll judge the entries? >> By the most impressive one.
> No Yaoi, Yuri or anything hentai
> No exceeding time limit (obviously lol)
aaaaaaaand... that's all XD
-Questions? Comment below or PM me :)