snow fox Dark Knight Rises

The challenge is simple: draw a character from the Batman universe. I'll ask that you please draw only Batman characters (no original characters, no other DC universe characters). Other than that, please feel free to take the drawing in any direction you choose! Color, black and white, traditional, digital, drawn, painted, sculpted - whatever suits you. I don't know enough about the canon, so if you want to draw Batman characters or situations (or relationships) that don't necessarily happen in established stories, go for it!

As always, follow theOtaku's guidelines.

This challenge, of course, is in honor of the soon-to-be-released Dark Knight Rises movie. And - why not - let's say it's also in honor of the DC reboot (New 52), particularly of Batwoman. The Batwoman comic has been pretty consistently amazing so far - with stellar art. I'm not saying you'll get extra points for drawing a character from the Batwoman comic, but... I'd be really happy to see Batwoman art on theOtaku.

About prizes - I'll draw some Batman related fanart for you (probably black and white). We'll say there will be a grand prize, and a runner up.

Summary of contest guidelines:

  • Draw any (only) Batman-verse character(s)
  • Picture does not have to be dedicated to me, but it can be (feel free to dedicate it to whomever you choose)
  • No restrictions on number of submissions
  • No restrictions on media / b&w, color, etc.
  • Submission does not need to be related to the movie
  • Submission content can be outside established story lines / canon
  • Extra credit for Batwoman-related characters Kidding!
  • Prefer drawings to be new to theOtaku (rather than re-submissions), but I won't disqualify you
  • There will be two prizes awarded

So! What do you say? Will you celebrate the release of Dark Knight Rises with me, and submit some Batman fanart? I hope so! You have two months.

P.S. I sent invitations to anyone who participated in my last challenge - please feel free to spread the word to anyone you think might be interested in participating in this one!

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5 entries
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Challenge completed
Wanna see a magic trick? ~saijinto
Broken Back Gotham ~eMokid64
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