An Invitation to A Wonderland Party


I'd love to invite you to come over to my party.

Put your best dress on and have fun.

With love


1st of 1st I know I haven't been active for a while, well life is bleh and catches a lot of my times. So this challenge will be my Symbolize to be more active than before.

Yea, I'm holding a party, and I invite everyone to have fun in my party. I want you to draw , your O.C, or yourself, or a random character in party outfit. A formal party outfit. It wont be amusing if it just normal, right? So... this outfit should be have a wonderland connection, such as; the mad hatter hat, or the watch pocket of the rabbit, or anything else. I don't ask you to draw your character as a character in wonderland, I just ask you to draw your character in formal party outfit with an accessory from wonderland character. (Do I explain well enough? If you still confused feel free to PM me)

Background... its not necessary, but it would be nice if you draw with backgrounds.

Only 2 entries per person please.

What will decide the winner:
- creativity (I like to see new things different than the exist things)
- effort (Your effort will be the 2nd biggest point in this challenge, because I believe that we should see a person from their effort at doing his job)
- originality (DON'T COPY ANY CHARACTER OUTFIT PWEASE, you can take references but NO COPY PASTE)
- details (Some little details would be a plus points)

RULES *shouts out* lol
Just 1! Follow theO rules
oh and 1 more XD you don't need to draw your wonderland accessory as its supposed to be, Example: Your character wear a gorgeous dress with the mad hatter hat as her necklace

This is my first challenge, I hope a lot of people will join this.

I know my drawings is not as good as many of you but, I'll give my best
- 1st place: a full color request
- 2nd place: a Black and White request
- 3rd place: a line art request
All will be in traditional art :3

P.S. : Forgive meh for my bad English

13 members Favoritefavorite
bunnysan XYukoucyanX itemilicious Akiza4 Valerie014 unknownrinichan CreativeGirl0546 leojohn89 Dragon Anime CelestialSushi
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
12 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
Sia in Wonderland ~byakuyarox1
Let's Have a Party in Wonderland ~Black Crow
yumi ~lorrainiaful
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