I want you to go outside, find a tree, and then draw it. The tree must be one you draw from life.
Use contour lines, shading, or even geometric shapes - line and pattern.
With the tree, I want you to include something for size comparison. It can be anything from a chair, your favorite character(s), or animals- even imaginary things. However, I want the tree to be the main emphasis.
Must be traditional. If color is used, think about the color scheme.
Judging is based on effort, accuracy of scale, overall composition, and aesthetics as well as my personal liking.
The description must include what type of tree you drew. If you don't know, do some research and find out about your local trees.
1st place: watercolor painting with subject of choosing. Can be a character, place, or object etc.
2nd place: lineart drawing
3rd place: detailed sketch
4 Honorable mentions: rough sketch
Observe nature and discover things you never knew before.