KungPowChicken Got Sin?

Hello! I'm KungPowChicken(aka Kpc) and this is my first ever challenge! I been wanting to do a challenge but couldn't think of a good theme until now...but its pretty simple, I think the title explains, all you have to do is draw 1 of the 7 Deadly Sins! It can be your own character as a sin, or just someone you made up! Please I do not want to see Fma's Homunculi. I mean they're awesome, but I'm looking for creativity, effort and originality. So..

7 Sins:
-Lust (Light Blue)
-Gluttony (Orange)
-Greed (Gold)
-Sloth (Blue)
-Wrath (Red)
-Envy (Green)
-Pride (Purple)

Also You have to at least pick ONE, you can have more in the picture, just at least One Sin please.

1. 1/one/uno Entry per Person, please.
2. Follow theOtaku TOS!
3. Any Media is acceptable. Ex: Digital, traditional, oils, watercolor, etc..
4. B&W and Color Pictures are acceptable. Though I'm not gonna lie, I do like color pictures more >.>
5. Keep it at PG-13 level, I don't want any rated R stuff D<
6. No stealing others works! Please! You all are very talent artists and I don't want to see any of you plagiarizing! D<
7. Have Fun! Thats the most important Rule!

I will be judging on 3 things.
and Originality

I want to see what you as an artist think of when you you choose one of your sins. Be creative, okay we all know red=angry=wrath, think outside the box! I know its hard, but just try! I know you can do it! :3

1st: Medal, Gift and One Picture Request Colored, Background(Optional)
2nd place: Medal, Gift and One Picture Request Colored.
3rd: Medal, Gift and One Picture Request Line Art.

I know my prizes suck but you gotta remember that I have school and a personal life to keep care of too. X.x

So anyways Questions, Comments, Concerns, feel free to ask/say. Anybody can join! Don't be shy, and let your inner sin(s) come out! XD

Q:Can Wrath and Rage be the same thing?
A: Yes! As long as it is a sin! So you can do other sins with different names but they have to be recognizable!

Q:Can I draw one of the FullMetal Alchemist Sins?
A: No, I want you to use your IMAGINATION! its not that hard once you got a theme down. D:

Take care Everybody!

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Original Anime and Manga
7 entries
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Challenge completed
Those Ugly Feathers ~
Egar's Wrath ~harvestmoonluvr
Lust!!!!! ~krokun
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