Yay, my first challenge! ^^
You may have seen the videos on YouTube featuring the characters that people would like to see in Super Smash Bros. Well, this challenge is your chance to show off either:
1) your favorite characters (anime characters/characters from other TV series, characters from books, or game characters) in a Smash Bros. match
2) your original characters in a Smash Bros. match (preferably from two seperate works, but if you only have one original manga, you can use fan characters).
Either way you go, you will have to choose characters (from two separate shows/games/movies/original or fan works) that have not already been featured in a Smash Brothers installment.
~Bonus: If you want to go all out, you could even draw the characters in an environment that you would like to appear in a future Smash Bros. game.
This is Smash Bros, (rated Teen for mild/cartoon violence and comic mischief), so no blood or gore, please.
Please no skimpy/revealing clothing. Make it something you could show off to your folks without offending them.
Dialogue is welcome, but no profanity.
Can be either black & white or color.
Multiple entries allowed.
Site rules apply.
1st: Medal, gift and drawing request of any existing SSB character battling your OC.
2nd: Gift and drawing request of an existing SSB character of your choice.
3rd: Gift
Be creative, and have fun! ^o^ Can't wait to see your ideas!