And I'll blend up that Rainbow above you, and shoot it through your veins
Challenge by: harvestmoonluvr
Rainbow Veins, Vanilla Twilight, Fireflies, Strawberry Avalanche...
They're all such beautiful songs by Owl City. Don't they just make you so freaking happy?!
And I want YOU to draw that beauty!!!
O B J E C T I V E: Take a scene from any one of Owl City's songs that was beautiful to you- and draw it. Simple as that! <3
Even if you don't even know who the heck Owl City is, please check out their songs!
Rainbow Veins
Vanilla Twilight
Strawberry Avalanche
Hot Air Balloon
Hello Seattle
Dental Care
Panda Bear
Saltwater Room
Butterfly Wings
On the Wing
E X A M P L E S:
I'll blend up that Rainbow above you, and shoot it through your veins
The spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly
And the colors fall like snow, the feeling of letting go
The stars lean down to kiss you, and I lie awake and miss you
And I get a thousand hugs from 10,000 lightning bugs
But drenched in Vanilla Twilight, I'll sit on your front porch all night
Violet Eyes glow brighter and heavy wings grow lighter
Sing with the crowds beneath the candy coated clouds!
Where I felt the stars explode around me
You are not in any way limited to these examples! If any of their other songs were special to you then go right ahead! I just want to see a picture showing the emotions you felt in that moment of the song.
D E A D L I N E: Sunday, April 25/10
You have 3 months people! But don't procrastinate~! :'D
Q: Does it have to be colored?
A: Nnnno...but it's preferred. I mean, RAINBOW Veins? VANILLA Twilight? CANDY COATED CLOUDS? :D
Q: Can I make more than 1 entry?
A: Yes! I'd be very happy if you made more than one. But keep in mind I can only award you one gold medal
This challenge is very special to my heart. I hope that you all might feel the same way from Owl City's beautiful music!!!! Thank you all very much <3
*huggles* C#x
I loved all your entries ;w;
Let's give a big round of applause to the winners! :D