Zakuro Rose Forever Fornever: Yu Yu Hakusho

In celebration and mourning of the release of YuYu Hakusho Volume 19, the last manga volume and original Yu Yu Hakusho piece to be released in the United States, the Yu Yu Hakusho Brigade is pleased to announce a fan art contest.

The contest is open to EVERYONE, YYH fans and newcomers alike, and the goal is to celebrate 20 YEARS of Yu Yu Hakusho. Since Volume 19 is the last original YYH material to be released in the US, the Brigade would also like to revive the YYH Spirit in honor of this occasion.

Since the goal is to celebrate YYH, the contest is simple: create a fan art that involves Yu Yu Hakusho. However, there are three requirements:

  • It must INCLUDE a character or concept that is YYH-original, like Yusuke Urameshi or the Spirit Gun. Original characters and crossovers are allowed as long as this requirement is adhered to.
  • You may enter as many times as you like.
  • It needs to be a newly created work, no resubmissions of previous works allowed.

The winner of the contest will receive not only a medal, but a Yu Yu Hakusho wallpaper made from his or her fan art or a wallpaper tailored to the winner's request. Also, the best wallpaper will be featured on the Yu Yu Hakusho Brigade world as the background.

Feel free to ask any questions and happy creating! Also, pick up Yu Yu Hakusho Volume 19, available in book stores March 2.

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Yu Yu Hakusho
2 entries
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Challenge completed
Kurama Yoko ~gaidek
YYH: Hiei ~
Awake ~SolemnSerpent
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