Everyone whose ever played a pokemon game knows about the 6 pokemon team. Some people build it like a strategical force of unstoppable elements. others take their time and build it as they go. in both cases they end up with a team that they are most proud of.
This challenge is to Do a fan art of your poketeam. It can be from any of the pokemon games (handheld is preferable)
These must be your real teams! If an entry is submitted with an all legendary or Eeveelution team it will certainly not gain as much points.Only one Starter, Eeveelution and legendary allowed per team. If your team consists of more then one of each category use your team from before these were aquired.
Enter as many times as you like!
Points are awarded based on:
and Style
1st: A ink and color of an subject of your choosing.
2nd: A line art of any subject of your choosing.
3rd: a sketch of any subject of your choosing.
You have two months so get working!