Red Monkey (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply
He looks good to me. I think you should try coloring it too. Color can make a huge difference sometimes. I have gotten comments, while being watched as I drew a character, how color made my picture look more like whomever I was trying to portray. Then again…it’s me, and I can’t draw for beans, but I think he would look good colored. =D Looks great so far, you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself.
Men are harder to draw. Their faces are more difficult, with me anyways. D:
He looks great! Definatley not as bad as you make it seem. Don't worry Tenshi I can't draw men either, which is why my oc is one XD Great job for your first Ichigo!
Hahaha! I remember when she was asking you to draw this on chat correct? ^^
Well I think this is a good drawing of Ichigo! And for your first time too! Egasp! Its really good! When I try to attempt to draw things for the first times, its a huge mess, and when its guys.....holly cow its even worse! XD lol But yours isnt mine, so it turned out good. Dont worry about it, and I do think you should color it. ^^
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply
^^ I think you did a real great job on drawing Ichigo!
I know what you mean about the I can't draw men part
I can't draw them either. D:
If I do draw them, they might look like girls. >_>
buff ppl are REAL hard for me to draw. >.<
well, great ichigo tenshi-kun. :3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply
I'm glad she convinced you! I think you're pretty good at drawing him! :D
I suck at drawing guys, and Ichigo would look horrible in my style. But I think he looks pretty wonderful here!
I do think you should color. And don't worry, it doesn't need more cowbell. ;]
Enigmatic Turk
Red Monkey (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply
He looks good to me. I think you should try coloring it too. Color can make a huge difference sometimes. I have gotten comments, while being watched as I drew a character, how color made my picture look more like whomever I was trying to portray. Then again…it’s me, and I can’t draw for beans, but I think he would look good colored. =D Looks great so far, you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself.
Men are harder to draw. Their faces are more difficult, with me anyways. D:
Keep up the good work! =D
Isn't violence against hair a crime, Your Honor?
Miracle Star19
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply


Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply
i love the stlye its awesome great job XD ichigo looks great!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply
He looks great! Definatley not as bad as you make it seem. Don't worry Tenshi I can't draw men either, which is why my oc is one XD Great job for your first Ichigo!
Master of Kittehs (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply
sickness!! :D
great job dude :3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply
well dont feel bad....i cant draw men in fact i suck!!!
dont happy!
Nice pic!
Pokemon Master (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply
Hahaha! I remember when she was asking you to draw this on chat correct? ^^
Well I think this is a good drawing of Ichigo! And for your first time too! Egasp! Its really good! When I try to attempt to draw things for the first times, its a huge mess, and when its guys.....holly cow its even worse! XD lol But yours isnt mine, so it turned out good. Dont worry about it, and I do think you should color it. ^^
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply
^^ I think you did a real great job on drawing Ichigo!
I know what you mean about the I can't draw men part
I can't draw them either. D:
If I do draw them, they might look like girls. >_>
buff ppl are REAL hard for me to draw. >.<
well, great ichigo tenshi-kun. :3
Old Chicken Nugget (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply
I think you did a great job!!
I can't draw men either..
so theres not much to worry about!
great job!
keep it up!!