I don't know who she is! But you drew her sooooooo K.A.W.A.I.I.!!!! Look at her eyes... beautiful! And her lime green hair! Oh man, her eyes are so pretty... what a good choice of blue... I can't seem to stop starring at them ahaha.
AH! Wowie-sama~!! -tackle hugs- Are you kidding? How can I forget you? XD Haven't talked to you in so long!
I asked Krista a week or so ago where you were, and she said you went on DA more often. Hope you can still come on TheO too! ^^ I miss you and the wonderful artwork (which changed and improved a lot since the last time I was here 0.0 ) that you draw!
Oh, one more thing. Remember when I said I was drawing Lily for you? I've been trying over and over again to get her right but there's always something missing that makes her not look like your Lily. x_x So..... I will keep at it until I get her right! lol
Hope your doing well, and if you don't plan on going on TheO as often as before, I'll visit you on DA then. ^^ (Though I always forget to visit that site. Hmm.. need to work on that. :P )
Oh! And thanks for the compliment on this one. ^^ Haven't improved much from 6 monthes ago, but step by step is good enough for me~ lol
Sakurieee ! I don't know if you remember me .. its been a while XD
I missed seeing your art ! It looks adorable as ever, those eyes are just so captivating, and the colouring looks great ! Esepcially on the hair :)
awwww, that is so cute. I love her cute smile. so cute. >///////< and i love the coloring you did for this one!! So pretty, I love all about it. It's just so cute!!! [lol, that's all i can think about right now, the cuteness] It's great to see you are planning to submit more. Good luck w/ it all. I hope the scanner can be fixed soon. ^^
AWWWIIIESSS~~!! SO ADORABLE!! ;A; It's so nice seeing Misha again. X33 I haven't seen Kokkoii-chan here for a while... ._.;; But anyways, gosh!! Your art's getting better like each time!! And ewwness for broken scanner... -A-;; But at least the picture's really pretty!! And I like the coloring!!! X33 Can't wait for more updates Sakurie-chan!! Always love you~~!! X'D *huggles* *favs*
Oh my goodness!!! This is beyond, super-beyond adorable!! *Squeal* This makes me smile so much^^ I love how happy and bright it is!! Everything about this picture I just love with all of my heart! Thank you so much for making such an adorable drawing^^...and that little flower on her shirt....AWWW!!! XD *huggles* Amazing job!! =]
omg, is misha-chan! :D She is so cute~! I hope ur scanner gets fixed soon! The coloring is beautiful! Keep up the great work~! ^^ More pages! Woohoo~! *goes to read it*
Great job Sakurie-chan! :3 *hugs*
aww!! she's so kyuuute!!! i love her expression and i just wanna huggle her so!!! (and just imagine, this looks uber amazing when u took a picture of it!! think of how uber amazinger it looks actually scanned!! lol) i hope ur scanner fixes soon (i hope mine actually gets hooked up! lol)
Whaaaaaaa!! Koii-chan~ ^^ -tackle hugs-
I'm glad you like it! (Hope I drew Misha correctly.. ^^;;) And hope you can come back on TheO soon... TT.TT
I'll definately post this on DA for you and don't worry about repaying me! ^^ I'm just happy you like it! -hugs again-
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/22/08 | Reply
It's so adorable!! I love your style of eyes and the coloring is amazing!! ^^
even if ur scanner is broken, it still looks really awesome! I hope it gets fixed soon though!
keep up the awesome work Sakurie-chan~!
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/22/08 | Reply
Awwww Sakurie-chan she's SO cute!!~ ^^ And of course your style has been improving so much!! I'm talking with her on MSN right now and I sent her a link to the piccy so she can see it!! ^^
I LOVE the colors and I hope your scanner gets fixed soon Sakurie-chan!! *huggles you* This is so adorable wonderful work as always!!~
And this is so adorable! You really have been improving a lot! =D
The coloring is really great, too.
And rawr, your scanner is still broken? That sucks. T.T
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/21/08 | Reply
I don't know who she is! But you drew her sooooooo K.A.W.A.I.I.!!!! Look at her eyes... beautiful! And her lime green hair! Oh man, her eyes are so pretty... what a good choice of blue... I can't seem to stop starring at them ahaha.
Fire Fox Sakurie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/09/08 | Reply
AH! Wowie-sama~!! -tackle hugs- Are you kidding? How can I forget you? XD Haven't talked to you in so long!
I asked Krista a week or so ago where you were, and she said you went on DA more often. Hope you can still come on TheO too! ^^ I miss you and the wonderful artwork (which changed and improved a lot since the last time I was here 0.0 ) that you draw!
Oh, one more thing. Remember when I said I was drawing Lily for you? I've been trying over and over again to get her right but there's always something missing that makes her not look like your Lily. x_x So..... I will keep at it until I get her right! lol
Hope your doing well, and if you don't plan on going on TheO as often as before, I'll visit you on DA then. ^^ (Though I always forget to visit that site. Hmm.. need to work on that. :P )
Oh! And thanks for the compliment on this one. ^^ Haven't improved much from 6 monthes ago, but step by step is good enough for me~ lol
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/08/08 | Reply
Sakurieee ! I don't know if you remember me .. its been a while XD
I missed seeing your art ! It looks adorable as ever, those eyes are just so captivating, and the colouring looks great ! Esepcially on the hair :)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/07/08 | Reply
I'm glad XD SO MANY PEOPLE LOVE MY MISHA makes me happy.
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/28/08 | Reply
This is really cute! I love the vibrant colors. I wish I knew who she was though. ;D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/27/08 | Reply
X3 I totally remember her! She's the most adorable lil' thing ever, and you made her even more incredibly adorable with this drawing! X3~
kairi x sora
Otakuite | Posted 08/24/08 | Reply
O hey! I remember her that one oc that stood out with her cutie green hair. You been improving again! =)
sparkle 078
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
awwww, that is so cute. I love her cute smile. so cute. >///////< and i love the coloring you did for this one!! So pretty, I love all about it. It's just so cute!!! [lol, that's all i can think about right now, the cuteness] It's great to see you are planning to submit more. Good luck w/ it all. I hope the scanner can be fixed soon. ^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
AWWWIIIESSS~~!! SO ADORABLE!! ;A; It's so nice seeing Misha again. X33 I haven't seen Kokkoii-chan here for a while... ._.;; But anyways, gosh!! Your art's getting better like each time!! And ewwness for broken scanner... -A-;; But at least the picture's really pretty!! And I like the coloring!!! X33 Can't wait for more updates Sakurie-chan!! Always love you~~!! X'D *huggles* *favs*
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
o my gosh this is soooooo cute i love it

innocent heart
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
Oh my goodness!!! This is beyond, super-beyond adorable!! *Squeal* This makes me smile so much^^ I love how happy and bright it is!! Everything about this picture I just love with all of my heart! Thank you so much for making such an adorable drawing^^...and that little flower on her shirt....AWWW!!! XD *huggles* Amazing job!! =]
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
Ish so kawaii! heh, the coloring is great! Keep it up!
Just a Thought
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
Wow that's so pretty! The colors are amazing :3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
sakurie chan... a great pic...
i remember when my scanner was broken
Punzianna (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
This is so so adorable~!
She's sooo cute~!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
omg, is misha-chan! :D She is so cute~! I hope ur scanner gets fixed soon! The coloring is beautiful! Keep up the great work~! ^^ More pages! Woohoo~! *goes to read it*
Great job Sakurie-chan! :3 *hugs*
haseo luver92
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
aww!! she's so kyuuute!!! i love her expression and i just wanna huggle her so!!! (and just imagine, this looks uber amazing when u took a picture of it!! think of how uber amazinger it looks actually scanned!! lol) i hope ur scanner fixes soon (i hope mine actually gets hooked up! lol)
Old Chicken Nugget (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
it looks awesome!!
great job!
keep it up!!
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
very gorgeous - she is really cute
Kitty Keiko
Otakuite | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
ha hakeeeeewwwwwwttt! She's so huggable too : 3 Camera has nice qualitysefaa3
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/22/08 | Reply
Wahhh!!! Kawaii!!~ I luvv Misha-chan!!x33 She's such a sweetie pie!!xD LOL She looks adoraable!!!!OwO AND OMGAWD the coloring looks AH MAZING!!! :D
Fire Fox Sakurie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/22/08 | Reply
Whaaaaaaa!! Koii-chan~ ^^ -tackle hugs-
I'm glad you like it! (Hope I drew Misha correctly.. ^^;;) And hope you can come back on TheO soon... TT.TT
I'll definately post this on DA for you and don't worry about repaying me! ^^ I'm just happy you like it! -hugs again-
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/22/08 | Reply
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/22/08 | Reply
It's so adorable!! I love your style of eyes and the coloring is amazing!! ^^
even if ur scanner is broken, it still looks really awesome! I hope it gets fixed soon though!
keep up the awesome work Sakurie-chan~!
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/22/08 | Reply
Awwww Sakurie-chan she's SO cute!!~ ^^ And of course your style has been improving so much!! I'm talking with her on MSN right now and I sent her a link to the piccy so she can see it!! ^^
I LOVE the colors and I hope your scanner gets fixed soon Sakurie-chan!! *huggles you* This is so adorable wonderful work as always!!~
Kawaii Mayu
Otakuite | Posted 08/22/08 | Reply
I remember her ! She is such a cutiepie !
I posted art (me! yes me!) so visit Sakuri !
AngeliqueNade (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/22/08 | Reply
Hey, good to hear from you again! ^^
And this is so adorable! You really have been improving a lot! =D
The coloring is really great, too.
And rawr, your scanner is still broken? That sucks. T.T
Anyway, keep up the good works Sakurie-chan! ^^