feet,hands, noses, ears and breasts. the five hardest things to draw in the art world. just practice practice practice! and break it into shapes. baselines always make it turn out okay
*takes out circles* I'm so lame. I never could use those buggers. But this does give a good general idea of the shapes and sizes of things so I can still use it plus your handy dandy site link! ^w^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/25/10 | Reply
feet,hands, noses, ears and breasts. the five hardest things to draw in the art world. just practice practice practice! and break it into shapes. baselines always make it turn out okay
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/18/09 | Reply
thats why i always liked it here too. SO much of a friendlier community then, say, deviant art
Sage of Magic
Moe Foxgirl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/18/09 | Reply
*takes out circles* I'm so lame. I never could use those buggers. But this does give a good general idea of the shapes and sizes of things so I can still use it plus your handy dandy site link! ^w^